Monday, March 2, 2015

March is here!

Whoo hoo! March has arrived and I've got some great stuff in the works including an upcoming play called 7 X's. I've got all the details below.

The show opens on March 20th and I'll be taking on the role of Natalie. It's a play comprised of monologues from one mans previous relationships. I'm very excited to be a part of the production as it will be my first time on stage in L.A.!

Tickets are $15 online and $20 at the door. You can read more about the show and see who is involved by going to 

Also, here are two of my shots from a recent session with the wonderful Brad Buckman. Aaaand I'm starting a new play called Beyond Therapy for my scene study class. It's a comedy and I'm really looking forward to getting it on its feet.


Brandy Z.