Saturday, January 24, 2015

Windy Day in LA

Well it's the weekend and I'm a little under the weather. =(

While I'm lounging around my apartment with tissues in hand and listening to the gusts of wind outside I'm reminded that as actors we don't really get days off. The show must go on! So, I've got some sides to work on for a workshop with casting director Scott Daivd and a play to rehearse with my scene partner tomorrow!

Looking forward I've got a lot of fun things in the works for the next month. I got a callback for a theatrical production, got cast as a stand-in and featured role in a short film, and will be heading back to Wright State University for Parent's weekend to be a panelist and sing the National Anthem.

More immediately, feel free to play Spot the Brandy on How to Get Away with Murder this Wednesday!


Brandy Z.